Monday, October 17, 2011

What I’m Watching: The Office

The Office: Season 8, Episode 4 “Garden Party” (B)

This episode cements the fact that Andy is going to be the same type of boss Michael will be when it comes to activities outside the office – desperate for attention and determined to create a horribly awkward scene to get it. This is hardly the show’s most commendable outing beyond the walls of Dunder-Mifflin, but it’s also not the worst. I’m not sure how much Stephen Collins, Dee Wallace, and Josh Groban were needed in this episode, and it’s just uncomfortable to see Andy squirm when he is sidelined. It does seem that he requires less reassurance than Michael ever did, and he also doesn’t make nearly as big a deal out of everything. It’s impressive that Jim had the time to pen an entire book about garden party traditions, and it really was full of strange stuff that no one besides Jim finds all that funny. Robert bringing the basil plant rather than the marmalade was amusing, and I liked how Dwight managed to entice him to have his birthday party at Schrute Farms with the mention of rare meats. Ryan’s efforts to suck up to him are no surprise, and the same goes for the entirely unsubtle Gabe, leaving poor Kelly freezing while he got two jackets put on him. Pam and Angela warring over using the name Philip for their unborn babies was hilarious, and I’m really enjoying the two of them being pregnant at the same time. The sight of Mose having fun with all the valet-parked cars provided a few additional laughs.

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