Monday, October 24, 2011

What I’m Watching: Nikita

Nikita: Season 2, Episode 5 “Looking Glass” (B)

Talk about a packed episode, with nearly everyone involved in a good portion of the plot. It seemed like Michael was talking to someone other than Nikita at the start, and she was quite ruffled by Cassandra’s presence and her obvious effect on Michael. The fact that she has a son threw Michael and the mission off, and Nikita managed to discern that, in contrast to what she told him, he was actually his son. The notion of having a body double replacing a public figure is rather smart, though the risk of having that asset get out of control should be considered as well. It seems that the fake Ovetchkin could have been enough of a problem for Amanda to give Percy a suit and make some sort of deal with him, which should prove extraordinarily intriguing in weeks to come. Amanda has proven herself exceptionally duplicitous, manipulating Alex to get her to Belarus to assassinate Ovetchkin without realizing it. This episode had a few amusing points that seemed rather self-reflective, one of which came from Birkhoff, when he noted that Michael and Nikita really need to learn when to turn off their comms, a comment considerably less ridiculous than the sight of him playing golf inside was. Percy acknowledging that running Division lends itself to making chess metaphors was entertaining as well. I’m hopeful that we’ll have more intersections of missions and aims like this in the near future with everyone involved and doing something interesting with a few other characters.

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