Monday, October 24, 2011

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 1, Episode 5 “Judgement” (B+)

This show continues to get better with each hour, and I’m especially pleased to report that this episode follows up fantastically on what I most liked about last week’s installment. I’m a huge fan of David Costabile, who is capable of being excellent both dramatically and comically, in fare as diverse as “Breaking Bad” and “Flight of the Conchords.” This role was closest to the one he stoically played on “Damages” as a corrupt cop, and his judge was fairly subdued but appropriately capable of taking his situation seriously. Reese almost managed to prevent the whole thing by stopping the abduction, but he made up for his failure in that moment later by following through and capturing Angela and leaving her wrapped up with a bow for Carter and Fusco to find along with the men Reese gave rides in his trunk to for most of the episode. Reese’s method of approaching to the judge and breaking to him the reality of the situation was somewhat cold but effective, telling him he has two questions and asking him which one he wants to answer first. The conversation between Reese and the judge about what will happen once people find out what he’s been doing was intriguing, as was the back-and-forth between Reese and Finch about getting to know each other. It may take some time, but I have a feeling that Frisco and Carter are going to end up working well together, especially given Fusco’s genuine desire to help in the child kidnapping case.

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