Monday, October 24, 2011

What I’m Watching: Psych

Psych: Season 6, Episode 2 “Last Night Gus” (B+)

Having characters wake up from a terribly wild night with absolutely no recollection of what happened during their drunken adventures is nothing too original, and I’m pleased to see that this show used the device to productive humorous effect. The grouping of Shawn, Gus, Lassiter, and Woody is inspired, and adding Henry to the mix just makes it funnier. Determining which one of them is the angry one is certainly a challenge, and I would have picked Lassiter, with Henry as a semi-close second and the other three lagging far, far behind. There was considerably less fake psychic activity present in this hour, but there were more than enough jokes about Lassiter killing people to fill in for them. Woody is weird, and spotlighting him this much may have been extreme, but I think it worked just fine. The fact that Shawn asked Juliet to move in with him is rather huge, and I like how, in usual fashion for them, they sort of swept it under the rug and agreed just to be happy. The presence of Jessica Lucas as Gus’ would-be conquest livened up the episode, and I did enjoy seeing Dule Hill doing his best to seem as out of it as possible, laughing uncontrollably and having absolutely no idea what was going on when guns were going off around him. Discovering all of the great things – such as TV and snacks – that the guy living in his house, better known as him, had was particularly hilarious.

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