Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What I’m Watching: Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones: Season 2, Episode 4 “Garden of Bones” (B+)

Anytime someone makes a joke about danger, death can’t be far behind. Unfortunately, what’s coming is hardly funny, as the army of wolves rips the city apart, and those left alive don’t fare much better. Torture by rat and fire isn’t pleasant, and it’s even more of a shame when a confession doesn’t even save you. Fortunately, Arya was in the right place at the right time and, having been recognized as a girl, will now serve as a cupbearer, which is sure to get her closer to home again. It’s interesting to see two camps of alleged heirs to the throne meet, and even the more peaceful of them can’t get along. It’s entertaining to hear them talk about how similar their banners are. Daenerys managed quite a show of power with the Thirteen, though her threats almost led directly to the exile of her people in the desert so that they would no longer pose a danger to the city. Robb’s interaction with the mysterious woman was intriguing, and it’s good to see him humanized on occasion since his reputation is featured more than the character himself. Joffrey is proving himself to be more horrible than ever, pointing a crossbow at Sensa and then ordering her beaten to pay for Robb’s attack, and then having a prostitute beaten senseless after Tyrion stepped in to save Sensa. Tyrion is walking a fine line with Joffrey, educating him in front of his servants, but he’s also being smart and sensible by sending Ned’s body back to his wife for burial. That ending was entirely disturbing, and ranks as one of the most frightening onscreen births I’ve ever seen.

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