Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 3, Episode 21 “The Penalty Box” (B+)

It’s hard to believe that this show’s season finale airs next week, but this season has been full of developments, and this episode was too. Involving David Paymer’s Judge Cuesta in a major way was extremely interesting, and he had plenty to say about the ethics of defense and throwing others under the bus. Stephen Root’s Judge Wicks was, in the style of this show, a funky, unconventional lawman with a peculiar and entertaining way of doing things. Howard’s participation in business meetings is quite hilarious, interrupting only to ask who the candidate would take with him or her to a desert island. The fact that Eli tried to manipulate him only to get caught in a miserable situation was funny as well. Diane interviewing Callie was unexpected, and it sure caught Will off guard as he had to disclose his relationship with her to Diane and once again found himself chastised for his sexual indiscretion. Callie turning down the job and beginning a seemingly serious relationship with Will means that Cary can come back to Lockhart Gardner, which is convenient since Eli’s tattling led to Peter getting upset about loyalty and letting him go. It’s great to see just how far Alicia and Cary have come since being adversaries, and Alicia seems ready to welcome back Kalinda as a friend too, which is nice, even if Kalinda and Cary aren’t quite in a good place just yet. Kalinda paying a visit to Lana Delaney was full of sexual tension, and their strained relationship is sure to cause more problems in the future.

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