Thursday, April 12, 2012

What I’m Watching: Glee

Glee: Season 3, Episode 15 “Big Brother” (B)

If there exists an award for perfect casting, it should go to whoever had the brilliant idea to have Matthew Bomer play Blaine’s brother. He has a terrific screen presence on “White Collar,” and here he charms effortlessly as Blaine’s celebrity commercial star Cooper Anderson. It’s understandable that Blaine would have some sibling superiority issues with him, and those were evident in the master class and even in their first performance, but that’s all worth it for their sensational duets. I wasn’t as keen on the sing-speaking that launched Blaine’s solo song as he was fighting with Cooper, and, however entertaining it may have been, invoking “NCIS,” a show on another unrelated network, was a bit random. Cooper recommending that people not go to college and not go to New York was more than a little surprising, but there are other more pressing problems circling for everyone to grasp. Quinn’s wheelchair state serves as a cautionary tale for the dangers of texting while driving, but it turned unnecessarily preachy in the middle when Quinn insisted that Finn stop texting while walking. Ultimately, it’s likely to be a dramatic plotline, as Quinn seems so set that she’s going to regain the use of her legs and her normal life, despite warnings from Artie and Joe. Finn and Rachel’s argument about where their futures are headed is likely to persist as an issue, and it’s unclear whether or not they’ll be able to whether it. Sue’s pregnancy news was unexpected, but she handled it well, especially in her scene with Becky and I suppose that if this pregnancy plotline is going to be taken seriously, better it be dramatic than overly comedic.

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