Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What I’m Watching: Smash

Smash: Season 1, Episode 10 “Understudy” (C)

This Marilyn workshop is really such a rollercoaster ride for all involved, and it’s becoming tiresome. Despite the fact that Ivy explicitly told Karen that them getting drunk and singing together didn’t mean they were friends, it did seem like Ivy was getting closer to becoming nice to Karen. The fact that she’s just manipulating her to try to get the role is predictable, but she really needs to stop lurking in corners watching people from afar. She’d be better off putting her empty days to some more productive use. Karen continues to be far too idealistic, and letting it slip to Dev in casual conversation that Derek sexually harassed her when she started on the workshop was not smart. It doesn’t help that his power play failed so miserably that he ended up working for the guy he tried to get fired, and that Karen wasn’t remotely interested in moving to Washington for Dev while he was willing to do just about anything for her. Getting into a fistfight with Derek in the street was rather dramatic, and it’s not going to help his relationship with Karen at all. Derek’s hallucination of Karen as Marilyn was weird, even if the point it was making was relatively important. Julia’s drama is not terribly interesting, and I really wish that Leo didn’t get any screen time. The downfall of Tom’s relationship was inevitable since he couldn’t keep his flirting down in front of his boyfriend. Eileen may rock at getting unconventional investors, but she’s sure not concerned about burning bridges. Now let’s get ready for Uma Thurman to take center stage next week after that superb entrance!

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