Friday, June 29, 2012

Take Three: Dallas

Dallas: Season 1, Episode 4 “The Last Hurrah” (C+)

As more shows start returning and premiering this summer, something tells me I’m going to be spending less time in Dallas. It’s hard to keep the relationship drama between the second-generation Ewings straight since it now appears that both cousins are close to cheating on their significant others with the same woman. John Ross didn’t waste time using the information he has on Rebecca against her, forcing her to try to get a recovering addict to get photographed using drugs, and when she couldn’t do it, Marta volunteered and made sure to get the job done right. J.R.’s meddling has enabled him to exact control over the situation, cutting John Ross out of his own deal and scheming to get everything for himself. Christopher actually looked like a bad guy for once by paying Elena for her help so that she couldn’t come back and try to claim ownership. Being a Ewing is making him immensely paranoid, and he’s alienating the only true friends he has. Rebecca, however, isn’t going to let what she’s done bring her down, and while her brother is continuing to seethe evil at every time he pops up on screen. I’m curious to see how Christopher will react, and I presume that he’ll run to Elena for comfort, which is sure to give Rebecca every reason to hate him. In the midst of this goodbye party, however, both Christopher and Bobby seemed awfully preoccupied with birthing a cow, which is hardly exciting drama on a show like this.

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