Friday, June 29, 2012

What I’m Watching: Royal Pains

Royal Pains: Season 4, Episode 4 “Dawn of the Med” (B+)

Jill’s departure seems entirely permanent, as the show continues without her in the opening credits, with Brooke D’Orsay’s Paige and Campbell Scott’s Boris taking her place officially. We haven’t seen Boris in a while, but now he’s back to shoot guns with Hank, terrify Eddie, and then shoot an intruder on his property just because he can, only to have Hank purport to be able to save him. That will be the centerpiece of next week’s episode; for now, it’s worthwhile to praise this hour for its strength in horror parody. Usually, shows that try for Halloween-themed episodes end up sacrificing plot and logic for the sake of laughs, but in this case, having the scientist grandfather be a bit creepy worked excellently, and Hank’s prank was particularly amusing for how seriously Evan took the situation. The zombie chase to find the man suffering from the same ailment as the professor was amusing yet not too lightly-handled. On the guest star front, it’s not hard to recognize Halley Feiffer from “Gentlemen Broncos” and “The Squid and the Whale” as the kindly granddaughter. Henry Winkler was also back once again as Eddie, and I enjoyed his ill-advised attempts to get jacket quotes from bizarre sources. He didn’t really do it, but it seems HankMed has been reunited. That reunion, however, comes at the same time as the threatened disbanding of another union, that of Divya’s parents, which, if nothing else, should lead to Divya’s reconciliation with her father, which should help her conclude her soul-searching.

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