Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What I’m Watching: The Big C

The Big C: Season 3, Episode 8 “Killjoy” (B+)

If there was a way to make Dave and Maxine feel as embarrassed and hurt as she was, Cathy found it. Having their strip and then leave their clothes while she was waving a gun and shouting at them was excellent payback, and they didn’t do themselves any favors by telling her that she was crazy to think someone would want to give a baby to a woman with cancer. They weren’t the only people Cathy eviscerated in this hour, as she tried to intimidate the hotel clerk into giving her Joy’s room number by insulting her middle management status. Joy didn’t seem fazed at all by Cathy’s remarks, but then she had to go get hit by a bus, which might have been comic and unnecessary if not for the shot of Marlene exiting the bus as Cathy stood over the body. Paul is sure to be devastated about her death, and he’s also not feeling particularly connected to Cathy after discovering that she has been going to the bar and posing as someone else whose husband died of a heart attack. Sean’s removal from his three-wide relationship was inevitable, and he didn’t take it lying down, giving both his partners some constructive criticism that was less than kind. Now, everyone except for Adam is back to square one - no baby, no speaking gigs (unless Paul inherits the franchise), and no romantic partners. There are still two episodes to go this season, so we’ll see where things head in preparation for the finale.

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