Thursday, June 7, 2012

What I’m Watching: Mad Men

Mad Men: Season 5, Episode 12 “Commissions and Fees” (B+)

Poor Lane. This wasn’t the way he should have gone out, but there really wasn’t any other option after he forged himself a Christmas bonus check only to find out that the partners weren’t getting Christmas bonuses. Cooper coming to Don to tell him something was up with the books was appropriately subtle, and Don’s meeting with Lane was cold and unfriendly, matter-of-factly telling him that he would have to resign because of his mistake. After seeing Joan sacrifice herself and losing Peggy, something which wasn’t even mentioned in this hour, last week, Don had yet another heartbreaking blow, which was the news of Lane’s suicide and then the sight of him hanging on his door. Deaths and injuries in the office are always handled awkwardly, and this instance was no exception. Don dealt with it by fleeing from his home and doing something different, letting Glen drive his car as he took him back to college. Sally’s first period came at an unfortunate time, and running from Megan to Betty must have meant something was wrong. Watching her out at dinner with Megan and Julia showed that she has really grown up, and I was surprised to hear her admit that she had a boyfriend. Roger setting up a meeting with Ed for Don resulted in the most aggressive, unfeeling pitch ever, something which may end up being effective but certainly doesn’t pave the way for a positive and warm relationship between the two companies should they decide to consider a new firm.

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