Monday, June 11, 2012

What I’m Watching: Common Law

Common Law: Season 1, Episode 4 “Ex-Factor” (B+)

This show just keeps getting better and better, and this fourth installment demonstrates that this show really knows how to use guest characters to its advantage. Greg Germann proved himself skilled at playing a vindictive jerk on “House of Lies” this past season, and here he’s essentially playing the same part, as the spurned ex-partner determined to get back at Travis for casting him out. I enjoyed how Morgan made Travis feel incompetent thanks to his nickname, Travis 2.0, and that Wes sternly told Morgan off when he offered him the friendly advice to distance himself from Travis. Phil and Morgan being around did inspire Travis and Wes to work together quite commendably, though Travis blatantly chomping down on appetizing and plentiful food in front of Wes during his juice cleanse was hardly kind. His offer of support came too late as Wes had already managed to break into the bucket of fried chicken in the refrigerator. Though she hasn’t gotten much less annoying, Dr. Ryan is now serving a better purpose, as her words and sentiments haunted both partners and encouraged them to let Phil take some of the credit for their bust instead of throwing him under the bus. Also in the guest cast in this episode was Mark Moses from “Desperate Housewives” and “The Killing,” in a minor but crucial role as the mayor who managed to treat his son so poorly that he became part of a major carjacking ring that ended up targeting the mayor himself at one point.

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