Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Emmy Predictions: Best Directing for a Comedy Series

The 64th Primetime Emmy Awards nominations will be announced on Thursday, July 19th. Please refer to my Emmy musings for this category for a detailed analysis of the contenders, and, as always, chime in below in the comments with any thoughts of your own.

Last year’s nominees: How I Met Your Mother (Subway Wars), Modern Family (Halloween), Modern Family (See You Next Fall), Modern Family (Slow Down Your Neighbors), 30 Rock (Live Show)

The top contenders: Remedial Chaos Theory (Community)
The Divorce (Curb Your Enthusiasm)
Larry Vs. Michael J. Fox (Curb Your Enthusiasm)
Palestinian Chicken (Curb Your Enthusiasm)
Not Good Enough Mothers (Enlightened)
Pilot (Enlightened)
Hannah’s Diary (Girls)
She Did (Girls)
Dance with Somebody (Glee)
The Gods of Financial Instruments (Pilot) (House of Lies)
The Mayan Apocalypse (House of Lies)
The Magician’s Code (How I Met Your Mother)
Duckling (Louie)
After the Fire (Modern Family)
Aunt Mommy (Modern Family)
Leap Day (Modern Family)
Virgin Territory (Modern Family)
Backslide (New Girl)
Pilot (New Girl)
The Debate (Parks and Recreation)
Win, Lose, or Draw (Parks and Recreation)
Hey, Baby, What’s Wrong (30 Rock)
Kidnapped by Danger (30 Rock)
Leap Day (30 Rock)
Live from Studio 6H (30 Rock)
Full Disclosure (Veep)
Nicknames (Veep)

The roundup: Since Modern Family earned three nominations last year, it’s a good bet that it will pick up a couple this year too. Same goes for the live episode of 30 Rock, whose second outing should earn a nod this year. Back in the day, Curb Your Enthusiasm, earned up to four nominations in this category, and the fact that its last nomination was in 2006 shouldn’t prevent the hilarious “Palestinian Chicken” episode from being recognized. Pilots tend to do well – and in fact won four times in a row from 2004 to 2007 – in this category, and that means Enlightened, House of Lies and New Girl have a decent shot (the first episode of Girls wasn’t submitted). A nomination for Parks and Recreation or Veep would be nice too.

The predicted nominees: Palestinian Chicken (Curb Your Enthusiasm), Pilot (Enlightened), After the Fire (Modern Family), Virgin Territory (Modern Family), Live from Studio 6H (30 Rock)

The predicted winner: “Palestinian Chicken”

Next up: Best Writing for a Comedy Series

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