Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Emmy Predictions: Best Writing for a Comedy Series

The 64th Primetime Emmy Awards nominations will be announced on Thursday, July 19th. Please refer to my Emmy musings for this category for a detailed analysis of the contenders, and, as always, chime in below in the comments with any thoughts of your own.

Last year’s nominees: Episodes (Episode 7), Louie (Poker/Divorce), Modern Family (Caught in the Act), The Office (Goodbye Michael), 30 Rock (Reaganing)

The top contenders: Comedy writing Remedial Chaos Theory (Community)
Pilot (Girls)
Michael (Glee)
Yes/No (Glee)
The Gods of Dangerous Financial Instruments (Pilot) (House of Lies)
Pregnant (Louie)
Aunt Mommy (Modern Family)
Egg Drop (Modern Family)
Leap Day (Modern Family)
Treehouse (Modern Family)
Virgin Territory (Modern Family)
Injured (New Girl)
Pilot (New Girl)
The Debate (Parks and Recreation)
The Trial of Leslie Knope (Parks and Recreation)
Win, Lose, or Draw (Parks and Recreation)
Kidnapped by Danger (30 Rock)
Leap Day (30 Rock)
Live From Studio 6H (30 Rock)
Murphy Brown Lied to Us (30 Rock)
Chung (Veep)
Full Disclosure (Veep)
Nicknames (Veep)
Tears (Veep)
Happiness (Wilfred)

The roundup: Since the show’s start, this category has nominated 30 Rock at least once each year, going as high as four for five back in 2009. Therefore, I’d count on an episode popping up, and the same goes for Modern Family, which has been nominated once each of the past two years and won both times. The question for both is which episode to choose since there are oh so many. Louie smartly submitted just one episode, so I think that will be in. The pilot of Girls is a safe bet, and the debut installments of House of Lies, New Girl, and Wilfred are also in the mix. I can’t imagine that the brilliant writing of Veep will go ignored, but since the pilot isn’t in the running, I’m not entirely sure if another episode will be able to pull it off. Maybe the wonderful Parks and Recreation could finally be honored too?

The predicted nominees: Pilot (Girls), Pregnant (Louie), Aunt Mommy (Modern Family), Kidnapped by Danger (30 Rock), Tears (Veep)

The predicted winner: Girls

Next up: Best Drama Series

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