Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What I’m Watching: True Blood

True Blood: Season 5, Episode 8 “Somebody That I Used to Know” (B-)

This episode is considerably better than last week’s, but things still feel hopelessly disjointed, and with a few exceptions, nothing is connected anymore. Alcide losing his bid for pack master to his rival is inconsequential since the vampires no longer have any use for an alliance with werewolves. Luna shifting into Sam was unnecessarily comical, and he’s now just acting as an enforcer of the law more than anything else, forgetting the fact that he owns a restaurant. Lafayette’s latest Jesus journey didn’t have much of a point, and of course he’d actually be possessed while pretending to be possessed for Arlene and Holly. I don’t see how that ends well at all. Pam arranging for Tara to be able to feed on her particularly deplorable former classmate was just the latest step in her vampire training process, and things in Bon Temps are getting awfully lonely for the vampire community with only Pam, Tara, and Jessica representing the undead. Jessica nearly getting killed by Hoyt’s new buddies at least connects in part since Andy and Sam are still on the right track, but I think things are about to get much worse considering the way that the vampires have been behaving lately. Sookie tracking down the vampire who killed her parents is going to be sidetracked once Bill and the Authority begin their plan to have vampires exact public violence against humans. The complete about-face of all the Authority members still boggles my mind, and I’m even less impressed by Bill’s changing attitude. Eric is immune to the fascination with Lilith because he has no principles, but Bill wouldn’t shift so easily, and it sure seems like he’s taking it further than just a charade.

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