Monday, July 30, 2012

What I’m Watching: Common Law

Common Law: Season 1, Episode 10 “In-Laws vs. Outlaws” (B+)

This episode was full of fun guest stars, and it’s entertaining to see them in these roles compared with some of their previous parts. Both Jeff Fahey and Kevin Tighe played integral roles on “Lost,” the former as Frank Lapidus and the latter as Locke’s father, though they only ever appeared in the same episode once. Charlie’s wife was played by Zabryna Guevara, who has been busy for the last few weeks helping Fiona while she’s in jail on “Burn Notice,” and Steven Bauer played a mob-connected man with an impressive number of bodyguards similar to his cartel entourage on “Breaking Bad,” where he played Don Eladio. Having Fahey and Tighe around as Dan and Fred, respectively, was a blast since Travis and Wes expressed clear support of their mentors, which led to a lot of head-butting and some interesting detective work on the part of their fellow group members. Comparing their situation to the in-laws problems (the title of this episode) was clever, and it’s fun to see Travis and Wes arguing about something different for a change. Dan and Fred did their fair share of arguing without their protégés present, but everyone had a happy ending when they agreed that retirement was for the best and the younger guys should take the deserved credit. With the number of shoot-outs that have already taken place in just ten episodes of this show, it’s getting hard to find new locales, and the selection of a car wash as the scene for this episode’s token bullet-filled scene was quite impressive.

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