Monday, July 30, 2012

What I’m Watching: Wilfred

Wilfred: Season 2, Episode 6 “Control” (B+)

It makes sense that Ryan would want Amanda to meet his friends, though it’s worth remembering that Wilfred and Jenna are really the only friends that he has (he would do well to keep her away from Kristen for as long as possible). That first encounter on the beach when he had his arm around Jenna wasn’t a great way to start, and things got infinitely worse at his dinner party when Wilfred sabotaged things by distracting Ryan and revealing the unfortunate fact that Amanda doesn’t like dogs. Things got pretty awkward after that, especially since Amanda was familiar with the widely-circulated video featuring Jenna’s drug-induced on-air meltdown. Wilfred’s meddling broke things down completely, but it looks like Ryan’s efforts to calm both sides by telling them lies about each other was interpreted as what it was meant to be: a sweet gesture designed to help them better get along. Amanda and Jenna could end up being good friends, though something tells me that Amanda’s intellect is far superior to that of Jenna, and certainly to that of Drew, something which she may be tempted to point out to Ryan and which could drive a wedge between them. More importantly, however, Amanda managed to bond with Wilfred, which helped him to stop messing around with and obsessing over Bear and focus instead on his peculiar, highly volatile relationship with Ryan. There are few lengths he wouldn’t go to in order to get attention, and this was him on relatively good behavior.

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