Sunday, August 19, 2012

What I’m Watching: Alphas

Alphas: Season 2, Episode 4 “When Push Comes to Shove” (A-)

This show would be good even if it didn’t care too much about embellishing its characters, but it does, and that’s what makes it excellent, especially in installments like this. I love that Nina’s abilities are so overwhelming and subtle at the same time that Dr. Rosen, Becky, and Tommy all didn’t realize that she had pushed them to feel how she wanted them to without them having any idea. Pushing Rachel to kiss her wasn’t very nice either, and I’m wondering what she’ll be like now that she’s realized the error of her ways. Cameron jumping to save her was awfully impressive and heroic, and it’s a good thing that the team cared about her enough to try to find her before someone else did. I enjoyed Gary’s reasoning for locking her up – so that he could use her office as his man-cave – and seeing him walking around in a towel at the office because his alarm didn’t go off. Kat’s full-time presence is slightly irksome at the moment but will probably become more productive soon as she starts listening to Dr. Rosen’s suggestion and tries to preserve her memories by listening to music. The budding romance between Rachel and John is decently interesting, particularly when she recoiled at the sight/smell of his scar, which he took rather poorly. I don’t imagine that Dr. Rosen will encourage any more office relationships, but it would do Rachel some good to have some companionship and something close to an adult relationship.

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