Monday, August 20, 2012

What I’m Watching: White Collar

White Collar: Season 4, Episode 5 “Honor Among Thieves” (B+)

This episode was a lot of fun because there were a handful of cons going on, and a whole lot more truth than might usually be expected amid all the deception. Rebecca Mader, best known for playing Charlotte on “Lost,” was a great choice to play Abigail, who pegged Diana as a lesbian and even managed to identify Neal. Offering him the marshal file in exchange for the Pascal was bold, and stealing it preemptively so that she could blackmail him was even more daring. As usual, Neal managed to thwart Peter’s trust once again, and it’s a good thing that he thought to call Peter as soon as he made the exchange, and that he turned down the information. After risking his career to rescue Neal when he fled the country, Peter is now going to be plagued by doubts about Neal’s true nature, which is sure to be detrimental to their relationship. I liked seeing Diana come over to talk about cons and relationships with Neal, and a peek into the supporting characters’ personal lives is always a treat. I enjoyed Mozzie’s presentation of his exciting new gadgets, the most useful of which was definitely the face-blurring hat, though it did present the problem of leaving Neal unaccounted for during the heist that he pulled off rather strategically with Peter just moments away in the next room. Art thievery is sure to be the last thing on Neal’s mind in the coming weeks, however, as he turns to find Sam and figure out just who his father was.

1 comment:

  1. So far this season of White Collar has been incredible. I have been watching White Collar since the first season and I’m always recommending it to my coworkers at Dish. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to watch any of this season because I’ve been so busy, so I have recorded all the episodes on my Hopper and I had a little marathon last night. I am really excited for the rest of the season. Even though it will be easier for me to watch them with summer coming to an end, I think I’ll still record the rest of the episodes and re-watch the entire season after the finale airs!
