Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What I’m Watching: Major Crimes

Major Crimes: Season 1, Episode 4 “The Ecstasy and the Agony” (B+)

It’s always nice to see a stacked slate of guest stars from the greater TV universe. Two of them were playing very familiar roles, with Necar Zadegan appearing as yet another free-thinking Middle Eastern wife after her role as Dalia Hassan on “24” and Dylan Minnette as another trouble-making son after his part as occasionally alive son Rex on “Awake.” Here, they played mother and son, both suspected at different times of being guilty of killing the Israeli mob man slated for witness protection. The most notable guest star was Michael Weatherly in his first non-“NCIS” TV guest spot since that show started. As spiritual therapist Thorn, he was wild and entertaining, considerably over-the-top in a fantastic way. For once, Sykes held her questions for the appropriate time and didn’t ruin the squad’s plans to catch Avi in the act of trying to dispose of the gun, and, as has tended to be the case lately, there was a deal all ready to go to solve everyone’s problems quickly and efficiently. Though I still don’t think that Rusty needs to be a regular character on this show, having him start school and get into a fight after telling other kids the truth about his past is a strong way of further connecting him to Captain Raydor, who went to bat for him but expressed her disappointment at the way he was treating her at the same time. Perhaps not surprisingly, this show is so self-sufficient due to its ensemble that Raydor’s part doesn’t even need to be expanded. That said, it’s still fun to see both Jon Tenney and D.B. Sweeney as FBI agents.

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