Thursday, October 25, 2012

What I’m Watching: Alphas (Season Finale)

Alphas: Season 2, Episode 13 “God’s Eye” (B+)

This show has been building towards Stanton’s massive plan for the world for the whole season, and it’s fitting that the finale should end on a similar note to the first season’s closer, an enormous game-changer that’s sure to transform the feel of this show going forward. Dr. Rosen was losing his mind for most of the episode, hallucinating Dani and plotting to kill Stanton upon seeing him. I’m continually fascinated by the relationship that Stanton seems to think he has with Dr. Rosen, preparing a safe room for him so that he can survive the blast and emerge as a leader in the brave new world. Dr. Rosen’s eventual decision not to kill Stanton made sense given his outlook on the world, though I’m not sure any of that matters anymore. It was good to see a prickly Kat standing up for herself to Cameron and to Rachel, and I’m really impressed with how she’s grown as a member of the team (she also ranks as one of my top ten new characters of the summer/fall season). Skylar fit right in too, antisocial as always but extremely efficient, and nothing would make me happier than to see Summer Glau join the show as a series regular next season. Having Gary as the last man standing while everyone else, including all that Alphas and Stanton, dropped, with “The Only Living Boy in New York” playing was a fantastic way to close out the second season, a year greatly improved on an already strong first season and a fabulous reason to anticipate the third eagerly.

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Ryan Cartwright as Gary

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