Thursday, October 25, 2012

What I’m Watching: Ben and Kate

Ben and Kate: Season 1, Episode 5 “Emergency Kit” (B+)

I’m very pleased about just how bountiful the relationship between Ben and Kate in terms of supplying comedic plotlines. This is actually the show’s most natural episode yet, as Kate’s need to always be prepared triggered, as usual, Ben’s need to show his sister that she’s not always right. Staging a major drill for which she was entirely prepared was amusing, and I’m loving the dialogue that accompanies Ben’s theories and Kate’s retorts, or vice versa, more and more each time. Ben’s claim to know how yogurt is made, which was promptly refuted by Kate, was the funniest of all his wild assertions. Tommy being in the middle of their competition is especially entertaining since he finds ways to legitimize being on both sides. I very much enjoyed his delivery of his sudden urge to eat a granola bar and his unfortunate faked realization that it had been made in a facility that processes nuts. The two love interest guest stars of the episode, Lindsay Sloane, who costarred with Lucy Punch in “A Good Old Fashioned Orgy” and Rob Corddry, were both great, and I liked that BJ had links with both of them. The health inspector routine and the bottle of glass shards were amusing and horrifying tactics that made the hilarious relationship between BJ and Buddy even more fantastic. Kate’s tame reaction to BJ’s excitement about being with him and BJ’s unintentional acceptance of her advice not to sleep with him were equally fun, shaping these characters into more developed personalities.

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