Sunday, December 23, 2012

What I’m Watching: Burn Notice (Season Finale)

Burn Notice: Season 6, Episodes 17 and 18 “You Can Run” (B+)

There was no way this was all going to play out positively, and, like all arcs on this show, they have to end up with the agent or person of similar stature with whom Michael has had constant contact either dead or permanently out of the picture. Olivia went from a problematic thorn in Michael’s side to someone so desperate to accomplish what she wanted that she made a deal with the cartel to have Michael and his friends taken out for good. Bly popping up was a good thing for Michael since no one else had extended anything remotely close to an olive branch, certainly not the friends from whom Sam and Fiona called in favors, and he was offering a way out that didn’t end with Michael behind bars for the rest of his life. With less than fifteen minutes to go in the two-parter’s second hour, it looked like Bly was going to be able to confirm Michael’s story about Olivia’s illegal deal, and then it all had to blow up and go south. Earlier, Sam bleeding badly and talking like he wasn’t going to make it was disconcerting, and Michael, as usual, managed to think fast to figure out how to trick Dean into leading them straight to Olivia’s location to be able to break Jesse out of their custody. After some solid firefights and plenty of action, things looked resolved but uncertain for the gang. The sight of Michael ordering around other agents, however, was completely unexpected. While I’m at a loss at to how his point-blank shooting of Card was forgiven, I do think it could be exciting to see Michael running his own missions next season, without Fiona and presumably Sam at his side, of course. As always, this has been a rollercoaster season, featuring Anson, Pearce, Card, Schmidt, and Olivia as recurring guest stars. I think this show hit a high this season with its increasingly serious outlook, and I hope that season seven delivers in a whole new way as well.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: John McGinley as Card

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