Sunday, December 23, 2012

What I’m Watching: Vegas

Vegas: Season 1, Episode 10 “Estinto” (B+)

This episode was all about the romantic developments, some of which turned out to be much deadlier than others. Jack asking Mia out after carefully cleaning out his car was probably the most productive one, and his bold choice to kiss her after she rebuked his gift and told him it couldn’t work was great. Ralph almost kissed Katherine while the two of them were in the office together, and I think that’s a relationship that will need a bit more finessing before anything actually comes of it. Even Yvonne and Dixon are starting to flirt like crazy, with Yvonne talking down to Dixon and enjoying it a whole lot. It was good to see Dixon do something useful on the job while undercover as a waiter at Vincent’s casino, and I would be interested to see how Dixon starts to view Vincent in the near future after his honorable effort to refuse the star treatment Vincent wanted to offer him. Johnny’s announcement of his engagement to Diane wasn’t much of a shock but it didn’t seem to please anyone, least of all Vincent. It didn’t take long for him to figure out that she was an FBI informant, and while his response was cruel, it was definitely deserved. It was, however, certainly less brutal than Johnny’s method of dealing with it. Watching Vincent come in devastated to find her dead and then go home to spend Christmas with his family was a powerful way to send off the show into a holiday hiatus before it returns in just three weeks.

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