Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 2, Episode 9 “C.O.D.” (B+)

After seeing some numbers who initially seemed like nice people and were then revealed to have dark pasts or sinister motivations, it’s refreshing to see a genuinely good person as the latest person needing protection from Reese and Finch. A former baseball star working as a cab driver and trying to get his family into the United States is an exceptionally sympathetic character, and even Reese seemed to like him, which isn’t common. Since jump-starting her career with a role in agency investigation on “24,” Reiko Aylesworth now seems to be the go-to government investigator after appearing as an NTSB agent on “Elementary” recently and now as the Secret Service agent working with Carter in this hour. Carter arranging with her for Fermin’s family to be transported to the country in exchange for his cooperation was sweet, and it’s really great to see an all-around win every once in a while. Unfortunately, Fusco didn’t get to be a part of that since he was busy doing HR’s dirty work while Reese didn’t take his call. While I’m sure that Reese wouldn’t be happy to hear about Fusco’s troubles, he would step in to help, and now that Fusco hasn’t been honest with him, I doubt he’ll be as forthcoming. Simmons didn’t waste any time in turning the incriminating evidence he had on Fusco in, to Carter, no less, and I suspect that Fusco may in fact pop up as a number sooner or later. No matter what happens, things don’t look good for our good friend Fusco.

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