Sunday, January 27, 2013

What I’m Watching: Californication

Californication: Season 6, Episode 2 “Quitters” (B+)

It’s always good to see recognizable faces appearing on this show. I haven’t seen Maggie Grace in a regular TV role since she starred as Shannon on “Lost,” and Faith is clearly a much more devious, intellectual bad girl, one who used to spend her life as a groupie and doesn’t mind rolling marijuana in rehab with a page torn from the bible. She made quite an impression, and Hank is not going to be able to forget her quickly. I’m glad to see another “Lost” alum, Patrick Fischler, reprising his role as sponsor slash Bates-bedder, even though it’s hardly the most invigorating role he’s had. She had an American accent as Kate Warner on season two of “24,” but I had no trouble recognizing Sarah Wynter as Karen’s new boss, someone who wasn’t opposed to hiring a prospective employee who came in high for an interview and who will serve to connect the plotlines together and provide Karen with an unknown link to Hank. It was terrific to see Stu again, trying to seduce Marcy in his own way, one which turned out to be effective but yet another miserable misstep in the parenting of Stuart. Unsurprisingly, Charlie is so concerned with getting ahead in his career that he isn’t above lying to a potential client about his sexual orientation, something that’s going to help define him in a whole new way and might even be able to overshadow his renowned reputation as a masturbator. Becca, usually a bastion of maturity, hit her low in this episode when she had her much-rehabbed one-night stand, whose name she didn’t know, drive her to rehab to visit Hank.

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