Friday, January 25, 2013

What I’m Watching: Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey: Season 3, Episode 3 (B+)

It’s a real shame that it took so long for Edith to get to this day, and then Sir Anthony decided that he just couldn’t go through with it. Robert and Violet might not have approved, but the truth is that it would have made Edith happy, and therefore it’s quite unfortunate that it didn’t work out. Let’s hope there’s some happiness for Edith ahead at some point in the future. To her credit, Mary was nice for once, acknowledging that she’s not always nice and that it probably won’t change, but still trying to be sweet to her sister on her wedding day. I enjoyed Edith’s comment about Sybil being pregnant and Mary probably being pregnant. It’s a good thing that Matthew got that letter, which was authenticated by Daisy, since Mary telling him that she’s still mad at him every week was getting somewhat tiresome. I’ll admit that I did think that she had written the letter herself to try to ease Matthew’s guilt, and it’s reassuring to know that it was in fact real. The trip to Downton Place was fun, and I guess we won’t be seeing much of that from here on. Violet saying that she’d take the food if the poor didn’t want it was hilarious. It’s nice to see Carson express such care for Mrs. Hughes and to hear him singing gleefully at the end of the episode. Thomas hit a new low by telling Mosley that O’Brien was leaving, and I can’t wait to see what she does to get revenge.

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