Friday, January 25, 2013

What I’m Watching: Shameless

Shameless: Season 3, Episode 2 “The American Dream” (B+)

This episode managed to capture some new lows for the Gallagher family, and it wasn’t even Frank calling child protective services. Jamie nearly getting thrown in the trash was pretty awful, but that wasn’t it. It’s not a surprise that Frank would have the perfect way to get a crying baby to calm down, and the fact that it involves giving the baby valium is disturbing but expected. I like that Frank confused Jamie for Liam, though that was when Debs was still talking to her father. The affection she had for him couldn’t have lasted long, though seeing her go nuts on him with a bag full of soap bars after he carelessly wrecked her log cabin was pretty intense. Lip, Ian, and Carl putting him in the dumpster was an appropriate solution to that particular problem. It was sad to see Fiona realize that she had forgotten to factor in all of the servers at the club and that she was left with only $900, but it seems that the more lamentable damage has been done in her relationship with her brother. Lip’s concert parking scam was clever, and it seems to have given him a sense of entitlement that makes him think that he should be able to have a say in how the money of the house is handled. Mandy is going to get frustrated soon that he won’t listen to her about college, and Ian is going to get his heart broken when he realizes that Mickey isn’t actually in love with him. And, in the strangest news of all, apparently Kev is already married? Let’s hope he can explain his way out of this.

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