Thursday, January 31, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 4, Episode 13 “The Seven Day Rule” (B+)

This episode was full of dramatic legal moments, and involved a handful of fun returning characters. It’s always great to see Louis, of course, who in this episode tried his standard disability tricks but ended up getting undone by the fact that he had alluded to the possibility of Clarke getting hired after their business was done. It was nice to see Cary apologize to Clarke for how things went down and to have him wish him good luck on the bar exam, and for things with Clarke to end on a generally positive note. The return of Neil Gross was terrific mainly because it presented David with a challenge of how to get his fiancée to realize that she should create a suitable pre-nup. Hinting at blackmail proved the right solution, and it was satisfying to see Neil so easily defeated. This wasn’t a great episode for Alicia, who finally got her dream offer of becoming an equity partner, only to learn later that she owed $600,000 if she wanted to go through with it and that the same offer had been made to four others, including Cary. Diane’s speech to her at the end of the episode about taking advantage of it despite how it came about was an unusually tense moment between them, and hopefully Alicia will come out of it in a good frame of mind. Peter’s reaction to the news was good, and he certainly seems less concerned about religion than Eli and Jordan, and I like how Alicia didn’t hide her atheist beliefs at all. She did seem ready to unload on Maddie, however, and it’s a good thing that Peter stopped her before she did.

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