Thursday, January 31, 2013

What I’m Watching: Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey: Season 3, Episode 4 (B+)

With Matthew’s investment funneled into Downton, it’s great to see things back in swing at the estate. It does seem that Matthew has encountered something suspicious in the books, and I like that he turned to Violet to ask how to handle it. She had some sincerely excellent one-liners in this episode, cracking jokes every time something serious was being discussed. Mrs. O’Brien has found herself a new nemesis in James, who would rather be known as Jimmy, since Thomas seems determined to help him get ahead of Alfred. It’s reassuring that Carson isn’t so easily brainwashed, instead opting to quiz Alfred on which spoons are which to help him learn. After rebuffing William for Thomas so many years ago, Daisy once again finds herself in the middle of a love triangle, about to confess her affection for Alfred just as the new kitchen maid arrives to steal his glances away. Branson’s revolutionary activities are just never going to set well in the Crawley household, and though Sybil isn’t bothered by her husband’s complicity, everyone else certainly was. Having him at Downton may be worse than getting arrested in Ireland, since he’ll now be seen as even more of a pariah than he previously was. Mrs. Hughes and Isobel were diligent and kind in their assistance to Ethel, something which has little impact on the overall show but still serves to reinforce the characters of two of the show’s purest personalities. I’m glad to see Edith finally win a small victory, getting printed and earning praise only from Matthew for her article about women’s suffrage. Bates and Anna seem destined to a life of misery apart, but their joy at reading all of each other’s letters was quite sweet.

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