Thursday, January 31, 2013

What I’m Watching: Shameless

Shameless: Season 3, Episode 3 “May I Trim Your Hedges?” (B+)

This show truly has no limits, and that’s what makes it so immensely ridiculous and watchable. This episode’s standout plotline was the succession of events after Debs was the victim of a pedophile pervert’s glances on a bus. Lip gathering everyone up to go beat up a newly arrived neighborhood pedophile resulted in an unexpected surprise – her gender – but then he felt compelled to go back and act like a young student to compel her to act with him the same way she did with her student. His inability to reject her advances then led to Mandy finding out about his indiscretion and going over there to dig the teacher a grave. Only on this show! It’s great that Fiona’s response to the inappropriate come-on by the supermarket manager was to have Veronica go in and threaten him, opting to take the job anyway rather than let him get away with his behavior. Veronica had enough rage to get out with the absolutely nutty Cheryl being around, and it’s a shame that Debs had to form a wonderful brief relationship with her fake son, since we likely won’t see him again. The friendship that Veronica and Fiona have is terrific, and it was good to see Fiona to step in to scream at Kev when she thought he might be considering leaving her. Frank enrolling Carl in cancer camp to reap the financial benefits is awful, and of course Carl is just excited about going to camp. I liked Carl’s response to his head being shaved: “I’m going to look like a penis.” Steve’s fake wedding sure was eventful, and it was both reassuring and awkward to watch him try to resist Estefania’s sexual advances. I guess Ian got his answer about how Mickey felt about him, which was bad news for the unsuspecting Lloyd.

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