Monday, January 14, 2013

What I’m Watching: Last Resort

Last Resort: Season 1, Episode 11 “Damn the Torpedoes” (C)

After last week’s action-packed episode, this week finally saw the Colorado launching a torpedo, albeit a heavily modified one designed to minimize casualties and serve much more as a warning shot than anything. Marcus declaring that his word is law suggests that he really is letting the power get to his head, and that, as many might have assumed, there is no way out of this that ends with him alive. Cortez getting orders to kill Marcus immediately was bad news, and telling him that she’s not his enemy may not be enough to see her spared, though he does seem to have a certain affection for her that could help. There was plenty of talk of mutiny going on in this episode, and it’s always peculiar to see Prosser so readily being party to such discussions only to leave them with a level head and an ability to converse calmly with Sam, who has gone completely off the rails following his wife’s apparent death. Sam was rather cruel to Sophie, but it doesn’t seem that she’s fallen for Serrat’s charms either. Serrat going to the Chinese official to try to create a partnership was bold, and I do hope that doesn’t ruin the minimal peace that currently exists. I’m much more excited about what’s happening on the home front, with Kylie and Ernie Hudson’s third-in-line for the presidency engineering a bona fide coup to overthrow the U.S. government. With only two episodes left before this show is gone for good, I’m hoping that some major developments with that plotline will occur in that timeframe.

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