Monday, January 14, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Office

The Office: Season 9, Episode 10 “Lice” (B-)

Having everyone in the office get lice is a perfectly plausible nutty plotline for this show, and it’s just a shame that it had to come at this point, when things are so out of control in the office that there’s literally no one in charge. Dwight coming in fully suited up should have elicited either an objection or complicity from the man in charge, and seeing Erin take the lead on finding a solution since she has had lice twenty-two times suggested an amusing but sad state of affairs. Pam feeling guilty about assigning blame to Meredith was mildly entertaining, and I like that, after everything, they went out drinking together for a night of offbeat karaoke. Angela physically tormenting Oscar was fun, and I’d be much more excited about Erin and Pete flirting so much if I didn’t still feel that the whole plotline was inappropriate since Andy and Erin already did this dance. Dwight accidentally detonating his grenade twice was pretty funny, admittedly. Nellie, Kevin, and Phyllis should have had something better to do than try to convince Val that Darryl still wanted to be with her, and I’m confused about why he would want to break up with her anyway after the hoops he jumped through to get her, not to mention the fact that his job in Philly is far from set at this point. Speaking of hoops, Jim seems to be having a blast in his new job, and I hope that he can share his enthusiasm and success with Pam before his commute strains their relationship too much.

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