Monday, January 28, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Mindy Project

The Mindy Project: Season 1, Episode 12 “Hooking Up is Hard” (B)

This episode could have been so good, and had some great elements, but boy was it messy. Mindy deciding that Brendan would be the perfect person for her to have a one night stand with made some sense but also went completely against her worldview, which was that she didn’t respect his profession or his attitude at all. I enjoyed her initial selection, Draco Malfoy, and her revelation that she always wears underwear, even under her bathing suits. Brendan not believing in snacking or corn starch was much funnier than Mindy’s mishap in his shower and their different approaches to handling Morgan’s asthma attack. Brendan telling Mindy in the elevator that they are going to have sex, but not now, was, like many of the elements of this show, intriguing but awkward and inconclusive. I did like that Morgan and Duncan’s friendship was revisited, best seen in their ineffective attempt at subtle communication in the office. It makes sense to me that Danny wouldn’t be on board with Eye-Patch Girl’s plans to go to an innovative show with nudity and an 11pm dinner reservation, but that has much more to do with him being Danny than him being old. I’d like to think that maybe they could work things out, since Danny could use a distraction from his boring work life. Mindy sleeping in a murderer mask to avoid being murdered was rather entertaining, and I most enjoyed Danny’s reaction to his startled question about why she was wearing it.

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