Monday, January 28, 2013

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 2, Episode 14 “Pepperwood” (B)

This episode was over-the-top but certainly entertaining. Jess having some trouble with her adult students is no surprise, and it’s fun that she brought her work home with her, which led to Nick launching an investigation into Edgar by Googling him, which turned out to be pretty funny. I enjoyed watching him pose as Julius Pepperwood and going on about not liking thin-crust pizza because he was from Chicago. Nathan Corrdry’s Edgar turned out, luckily, not to be a murderer, but he was a bit of a strange guy, not being able to draw eyes, carrying around a mysterious duffel bag and being in a relationship with the woman that Nick and Jess were certain was his mom. Nick and Jess seem to get themselves into situations like this rather often, and it’s entertaining to see them try to get out of them while making fools of themselves. Nick’s Julius Pepperwood: Zombie Detective novel sounds fantastic, and I like that Jessica Knight was one of his main characters. It’s just like the residents of the apartment to have a concept of a “pogo,” which, for Winston, means that he tended to poke people with his penis. Schmidt freaking out about what it could be was amusing, especially since it included shaving his eyebrows and cutting his toenails. Jess’ pogo being that she is a know-it-all and her reaction to Nick putting butter and salt on bacon were funny, and it’s always great to have Cece around the apartment to have ridiculous interactions with the guys.

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