Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Office

The Office: Season 9, Episode 12 “Customer Loyalty” (B-)

This episode was all over the place, and I wasn’t terribly taken with any of its plotlines. What upset me most was the forced strain on Jim and Pam’s relationship. That couple wad doing just fine, and then Jim had to go mess it up by not telling Pam about the exciting job opportunity he had found, setting the stage for confrontation and problems. Jim missing Cece’s concert was bad enough, but scolding Pam for not using her camera properly was harsh. Them fighting wasn’t worth the first opportunity to see the documentary crew, one of whose members was kind enough to comfort Pam since their friendship apparently goes back many years even though we’ve never seen him on camera. Dwight hosting a customer loyalty meeting was over-the-top in classic Michael style, which isn’t always a good thing, and committing a milkshake prank with Darryl in the car didn’t work out so well for him. Their time together could have been much better utilized. Nellie realizing that she may have pushed Erin to be with Pete prompted funny results until Kevin came out and said exactly what everyone was thinking, which just made it hopelessly awkward. I also think that Toby thinking that he and Nellie have some fantastic relationship is just creepy, and an unfortunate use of a character that was oddly appealing even when he fantasized about how Pam might feel about him. Now that he’s acting on his impulses and being physical, I think he’s gone too far.

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