Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What I’m Watching: Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation: Season 5, Episode 11 “Women in Garbage” (B+)

There aren’t many shows that, five seasons in, can still come up with terrific plotlines each week that utilize all the characters to excellent effect. Pairing Ann with Ron was a delightful idea, mainly since Ron was clearly so agonized by having to watch Diane’s children and he never seems to know much about Ann, using her when it’s convenient for him and forcing her to suffer the consequences. She turned out to be pretty well-liked, which was fun, save for an unfortunate hair-cutting incident that Diane shrugged off, luckily. Ann making fun of Ron after he accidentally confessed his love for Diane was a great moment. Maybe Ron and Diane will ultimately work out, which could present a problem for Ron, who likes living a solitary life, and would surely incur the wrath of the many Tammys from his past to return and make their claims to take back their former beau. April getting into helping Leslie because she loves garbage was fantastic, and I always like seeing them get involved in something together. Somehow, Leslie getting passionate about shattering the glass ceiling never gets old, and it’s eternally magnificent to hear about all of Pawnee’s backwards policies regarding women holding public office. Tom getting Ben and Andy to help him understand basketball was hilarious, starting with Andy getting his Skittles and then essentially letting them all fall to the floor. Tom’s failure to comprehend the sport was even more amusing than his inability to play due to his small stature.

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