Friday, March 22, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 4, Episode 17 “Invitation to An Inquest” (B+)

It’s always a blast to see Will and Alicia argue cases in special courtrooms where different rules apply. The coroner’s three-question rule was entertaining, particularly for the way that Will managed to include multiple questions within one overarching question. Involved in that trial were three prominent guest stars, Frederick Weller of “In Plain Sight” as the prosecuting attorney, Jessalyn Gilsig of “Glee” in a much tamer role than usual as the widow, and “Star Trek” veteran Remy Aubuerjonois as the coroner. Kalinda and Robin seem to be working together quite well, and I look forward to seeing them get to know each other better. Cary’s father is truly slimy, and it was satisfying to see Cary figure out his own solution to the problem and cut his father out of the very deal he had brought to him, impressing Diane in the process. Jordan’s firing was inevitable, and Eli did manage to throw him completely under the bus and solve a political problem in the process. I’ll admit that it was somewhat disappointing to see Maddie fall off the radar and disappear into oblivion, especially since I doubt Matthew Perry will be regularly available to reprise his role as Krusteva for when the actual election rolls around. It’s clear that Alicia and Will still have unresolved feelings for each other, and it seems for now like they’re both trying hard to make sure that they don’t lead to anything since that’s the last thing either of them needs right now.

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