Thursday, March 21, 2013

What I’m Watching: Shameless

Shameless: Season 3, Episode 9 “Frank the Plumber” (B+)

There seems to be no limit to the depths that Frank will sink to in order to get him hands on free stuff. Christopher was offering him a bed, food, and all the comfort he could want, and he decided to throw it away by trying to get them classified as domestic partners and reap the benefits of Christopher’s insurance. After some slander and a visit to a gay bar, enter Bradley Whitford as an odd man named Abe, who will surely have plenty to contribute in the final few episodes of the season. Fiona had quite the first day at work, and it’s good to see her endure despite the odds being totally stacked against her (not to mention the fact that she looked up penises on a work computer). With Carol absent from the episode, it was fun to hear Kev and Veronica debate circumcision, and to hear Fiona’s reasoning for why it was a recommendable move. Mandy applying to colleges for Lip was bold but apparently the right thing to do, but hitting Karen with her car is sure to drive him away forever should he ever find out. I’d like to see him working on robotics at MIT, but I doubt that’s in his immediate future. Ian’s rendezvous with Mickey was heartbreaking, and he’s going to have a very tough time coming back from that. It was very sweet to see Debs stick around and help Sheila feel better, and I continue to think that Debs is this show’s best character. I’m not sure how quickly Steve can become a well-paid doctor, but I’m glad he got encouragement from his de facto bodyguard and that all hope is not yet lost.

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