Thursday, March 21, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead: Season 3, Episode 14 “Prey” (B+)

This show is defaulting more and more to switching off between its two major plotlines each week and showing nothing but that, and I think it’s an interesting device that allows for a greater focus on the characters. In fact, seeing Rick for just a short moment made Andrea’s predicament all the more powerful, particularly because she was so happy to see the prison and wave her arms at him before the Governor appeared behind her and dragged her away. She sure changed her mind quickly about the Governor after Milton revealed what he was doing, and it’s a shame that Milton stopped her from killing him then and there. Milton is taking a much more indirect route to resistance, and I liked the revelation that he was likely the one who torched the biters that the Governor had planned to release at the prison. The travelers who spent a brief stint at the prison finally got personalities in this hour, and it seems that, overall, they’re pretty complacent, and we just have to hope that they’ll realize Andrea was right before it’s too late. Seeing the Governor return without any mention of Andrea’s fate was a harbinger of doom, and that final scene that showed her chained up in the Governor’s new torture chamber was immensely disconcerting and disturbing. Unlike Maggie’s interrogation, which was brutal enough, no one knows that Andrea is there, and she’ll remain the Governor’s prisoner until he sees fit to use her for some nefarious purpose. Let’s just hope she survives.

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