Thursday, March 28, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 4, Episode 18 “Death of a Client” (B+)

This episode was presented in an intriguing and creative format, setting itself entirely during a party, as the show has sometimes done in the past, and using flashbacks to introduce the episode’s murder victim, played by John Noble of “Fringe” fame. The panic on Alicia’s face when she heard that the killer was headed to her apartment was palpable, and it’s a good thing that her children turned out only to be in danger of learning too much about the nature of their conceptions from Stockard Channing’s Veronica. It’s nice to see Laura working amicably with Alicia, though her wanting to date Will could certainly complicate their friendship. Now that Maddie is out of the picture, it’s good to see Matthew Perry’s seedy Mike Krusteva again, just as duplicitous and manipulative as ever. Alicia telling him to die choking on his own blood was fantastically harsh, but nothing compared to Peter punching Krusteva in the bathroom and then making it look as if he had been drunk. Eli and Alicia’s reactions to the news were particularly excellent, and it’s nice to see some comedy from a situation that has in the past benefited only Krusteva. Peter so bluntly offering Diane the vacant supreme court justice seat was a bit shocking, and it would absolutely change the dynamic of the firm and of the show to have her in a different position. Suggesting that Will remain the only name partner is probably the best idea, though if she does accept the job, things will definitely be different in a number of ways.

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