Thursday, March 28, 2013

What I’m Watching: Shameless

Shameless: Season 3, Episode 10 “Civil Wrongs” (B+)

It’s times like these that I understand how this show can be classified as a drama. The various ridiculous elements in this hour aside, there were a few substantial serious moments that were extraordinarily powerful. After all of the depravity and frustration that Kev and Veronica have endured, it was truly heartwarming to see them celebrate with everyone else at the bar the news that Carol was finally able to conceive. Fiona reacting in dramatic fashion to Steve’s casual news that he was planning to return to medical school in Michigan was an appropriate response, far more understandable than her inability to listen to his woes after he found out that his dad was gay. She has finally found a great job with good people, and she has a romantic interest who actually seems like a good guy waiting for her as soon as Steve does leave. Karen being in the hospital was extremely difficult to watch, though of course this show would find a way to incorporate Jody’s sexual proclivity into getting Karen to wake up from her coma. I’m very concerned that Lip is going to bide his time and find a way to punish Mandy for what she did, and that it’s going to end up being bad for everyone. I’m equally worried about Ian and his latest discovery. It’s just like Frank to manage to get paid by two opposing organizations for lying through his teeth, and after a surprisingly satisfying rendezvous with a rather friendly lesbian, he’s now in over his head, and I wonder exactly how he’s going to wiggle his way out of this one.

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