Monday, March 11, 2013

What I’m Watching: Justified

Justified: Season 4, Episode 8 “Outlaw” (B+)

Raylan broke the news as if it were some common occurrence, but it’s hard to accept the fact that, just like that, Arlo is dead. Admittedly, he did put up quite a fight, attacking Mosley while he was in the barber’s chair and almost getting the upper hand until he got fatally stabbed with those scissors. Ushering Raylan closer just to tell him to kiss his ass was cruel, and in keeping with everything that he’s done up until this point. Art forcing Raylan to go on leave is an unwise move, and I’m sure that Raylan won’t take it sitting down. Raylan’s reaction to Ava and Boyd’s engagement was priceless, and I like that he still managed to take out the bad guy in the room who gave away his status as a police officer impersonator by ordering Raylan around. He was one formidable assassin, a perfect villain for this show. Boyd made quite the power play in this hour, exerting that he is the outlaw and this is his world while getting Wynn to take out a few of his enemies and earning several hundred thousand dollars in the process. Johnny’s deal with Wynn won’t mean much now, especially since Johnny is so focused on tailing Colt, who is unsubtly leaving a trail of bodies all over town. Shelby seems to be holding all the power now, and his conversation with Ellen May was extremely interesting. Boyd may be doing well for the moment, but Shelby and Ellen May are sure to have sinister things planned for him.

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