Sunday, March 10, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Mindy Project

The Mindy Project: Season 1, Episode 16 “The One That Got Away” (B+)

It’s nice to know that Mindy Kaling is all about having her comedy friends stop by for a visit. It’s also interesting to see Seth Rogen utilized in a less explicitly funny context, somewhat similar to his role in last year’s “Take This Waltz.” He was pretty good, however, and I liked his semi-chemistry with Mindy, which wasn’t overly romantic but still relatively charming. I heartily enjoyed the opening flashback scene which detailed their first meeting and where he made a quick joke about Mindy being Sephardic, which he declined to explain to Mindy, congratulating himself on its effectiveness instead. It’s understandable that Mindy would get quickly attached to the notion of being able to be with a person so similar to her, but it makes sense that she shouldn’t end up with him right now since it would drastically change the framework of the show. Danny considering donating sperm as a way of having kids at the request of his patients was an intriguing situation, and I liked how Mindy reacted to hearing that he was contemplating it. That’s always been the strongest, most consistent aspect of this show, and it’s probably better that Mindy and Danny don’t get together just yet. Having Danny hold the letter for Mindy and then console her in the halfhearted way that he knows how was fitting, however, and it’s good to see their friendship continuing to blossom and progress in a positive way. If only the rest of the team had better things to do.

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