Sunday, March 10, 2013

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 2, Episode 18 “Tinfinity” (B+)

It’s always fun to see the relationship than Nick and Schmidt have showcased and analyzed. Celebrating their ten-year anniversary as roommates is a very typical Schmidt move, and it’s exactly the kind of thing that Nick isn’t into at all. That made for an entertaining dynamic and a potent dramatic confrontation, exemplified by Nick’s decision to buy, not rent, the crappiest porter potty he could find and Schmidt’s backup rental of an excessively fancy one. Their party turned out to be less about them than about the two unexpected proposals that stole the spotlight. While it wasn’t a terribly meaty role, it was fun to see Steve Howey, best known as Kev from “Shameless,” as the overly emotional and clingy sports star who Winston rightfully knew not to set up with Jess. Cece’s first proposal was certainly unmemorable and unromantic, and his grand gesture at the party wasn’t all that much better. This really is something that Cece is rushing into, and I suspect that she’ll have regrets soon. Schmidt’s reaction to the news was especially heartbreaking, and it’s clear that he’s never going to be able to get over Cece, especially if she has enough disregard for his feelings to get engaged at his own party. It was entertaining to see the guests at the party and watch them waiting in line for the bathroom. It’s easy to forget that there’s a wider web than just these four roommates, Cece, and their significant others, and it’s nice to see a bigger glimpse of their extended world.

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