Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 2, Episode 18 “All In” (B+)

One of my favorite things about episodic television with generally unconnected episodes is when the greater mythology is invoked and recurring characters return to fill in the blanks. In this installment, we saw Leon, HR, Cal Beecher, and even dealt a good deal with Finch’s romantic life and the relationship he gave up to keep the love of his life safe. Leon does have his uses, and I enjoy his participation in whatever elaborate setup Finch and Reese have going. I couldn’t figure out how I recognized Michael Rispoli, who played Makris, and some research indicates that it’s likely from his brief stint as Jackie Aprile on “The Sopranos” a decade ago. This week’s number proved to be quite endearing, and it’s great that everyone got a happy ending. Reese comes in handy for the physical and operational side of things, and Finch has that human touch driven by his kindness and empathy for others that really solidifies the relationships built on this show. Unfortunately, Carter isn’t operating so smoothly, and she made the mistake of trusting another “Sopranos” alum, Al Sapienza’s Detective Terney. Szymanski being framed to help HR get a new partner off was a bad start, but Alonzo Quinn meeting with both him and his lawyer only to kill him so that he can ensure the case will go away means that HR has now taken a definitive step towards being relevant and formidable once again. It’s time for Fusco to own up to what he knows about HR and step in to help Carter before she finds herself HR’s next casualty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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