Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Take Three: Orphan Black

Orphan Black: Season 1, Episode 3 “Variation Under Nature” (B+)

I’m continually impressed by star Tatiana Maslany’s ability to create multiple characters that are remarkably different from one another. Following Sarah posing as Beth in the lead role is fascinating because she’s so smart and quick on her feet in many ways, but also prone to making bad decisions for selfish reasons. Alison is tough but easily agitated by incompetence, and Cosima is definitely the brainy one among them. That makes for a terrific combination of skills, and that’s not even it, since apparently the person trying to kill them is also a clone. While it nearly cost her her life, Sarah almost getting killed by her evil self was a good thing in terms of fortifying her relationship with Art, who has now given her back the cash that she’ll hopefully use to help figure out just why she and her fellow orphans are being hunted. Felix babysitting was quite a hilarious idea, and it certainly didn’t help Sarah’s relationship with Alison. His reaction to Paul stopping by for a hot-and-cold visit was also entertaining, but it underscores the delicacy with which they should be proceeding, since there are so many separate players involved. I am completely hooked on this show, eagerly awaiting its airing each week at a time when there just isn’t another compelling drama series on the air. Its British style isn’t one I would have anticipated liking, but this sci-fi thriller is absolutely my kind of show.

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