Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What I’m Watching: Vegas

Vegas: Season 1, Episode 17 “Hollywood Ending” (C+)

I want so much to like this show, particularly because it’s almost certainly doomed to death because of its poor performance on an already unfortunate night of the week. This episode took a rather stark turn in terms of its D.A. Reynolds storyline, quickly outing him as Vincent’s man on the inside and then turning him from a double agent into an outed spy whose life now appears to be over. Vincent referring to him as the “avocato” was a silly thing, and it’s all much more interesting for the fact that Vincent has now essentially admitted to murder on the call, turning him into the certifiable villain that he’s somehow avoided being as one of the show’s endearing protagonists. Melinda Clarke was a perfect choice to play Mia’s mother, who got busy with Vincent right away and then tried to get her daughter to like her after so many years of not being there. Jack looking out for Mia is going to get mighty awkward when everyone realizes just how in on Vincent’s operation she is, though hopefully she’ll wise up and use the load of information she got about the skim to net herself some goodwill from leaking useful things to Katherine. I’m not sure I see Dixon’s logic in going to beat up an apparently defenseless Silver since he could easily take out his rage on Violet, and it’s an unfortunate first start in the business for the naïve but innocent Yvonne. Not everyone can make it in show business, I guess.

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