Monday, April 8, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Office

The Office: Season 9, Episode 18 “Promos” (C-)

The end is near, and this show still doesn’t seem to be headed anywhere redeeming. Turning the series-long interviews and unseen cameras into something makes sense, but it also seems a bit jarring in the way that it’s being done. I will admit that the one truly funny part of this episode was Angela and Oscar’s joint call to the Senator, in which Oscar said that he will probably be outed and Angela said that she was caught on film cheating on him with Dwight. Andy wasting his time being concerned with comments on the promo was much less interesting, and the ultimate reveal that it was Nellie posting the comments the whole time didn’t make it any more worthwhile. Pam continuing to question the stability of her relationship with Jim and go talk to Brian about it is not a good thing, and I wish that the show would stop trying to drive them apart. That’s even more true when Jim isn’t actually doing anything at work, instead indulging the other Ryan Howard (bring back B.J. Novak!) by reading a sci-fi sports screenplay for an entire day. I’d like to see considerably less of Dwight’s farm connections, and bringing Esther’s family to the office was not a productive plotline in my mind. Dwight was always destined to end up with Angela, and there’s no reason that Clark needs to become friends with Dwight before the show runs its course. This show should try instead to get back to the things that used to be funniest about it rather than bring everything full circle.

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